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"The Toa are extinct. That beat up mask isn't going to fool me."

-Unnamed Vulcanus guard, Unity - Chapter 2

Bionicle: Tales from Spherus Magna is a fan-made sequel to the first generation of Bionicle's storyline.

Set ten thousand years after the reformation of Spherus Magna and the seeming extinction of the Toa, the world is vastly different from where G1 left off. Matoran Universe and Bara Magna natives alike live alongside one another, with the gleaming metropolis of New Atero acting as a monument to their shared prosperity. The heroes of old, such as the Toa Nuva and Mahri, now serve as leaders alongside their fellow Turaga, and the world has learned to get by without Toa to protect it.


This golden age is now being threatened according to some, as rumors of Toa randomly appearing across the globe spread.

One such rumor follows a nomadic hunter living in the forests of Bota Magna, who claims to be Glatorian but talks like a Le-Matoran. Another cites a Ko-Matoran researcher from Iconox's disappearance at the same time a tall white figure begins terrorizing the city, silently wandering the streets and passing through walls like a ghost.

Usually such tales are simply ignored or laughed at, until an ambitious Ta-Matoran's fateful encounter with a cloaked wanderer in New Atero, while elsewhere two Matoran in Tajun find themselves caught up in a similar mystery. As far apart as they are, they have become part of a chain of events that will change Spherus Magna forever...

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